Cosmetic surgery has already been the subject of debate on the new series of ITV2’s Love Island, and now cosmetic surgery experts have weighed in after witnessing online searches for lip fillers and other procedures increase by a third.
The Mirror reports that a recent episode proved to be controversial when Hugo Hammond told fellow Love Island contestants that her didn’t find ‘fake’ women attractive, emphasising that he meant fake in the sense of personality and looks.
Following an episode where the female Love Island contestants listed the cosmetic procedures they all had, including lip fillers, boob jobs, and Botox, Ashton Collins, the director of Save Face, a government-approved register for non-surgical cosmetic practitioners, has said that online searches for lip fillers have increased 37 per cent since the latest series started.
Ashton has expressed concerns that the series is influencing a whole new generation of women to want to emulate the look of the ITV2 reality romance show.
Talking to The Sun on Sunday, he said that the series was responsible for ‘promoting’ plastic surgery and that episodes such as the one in question should come with a health warning.
“It’s so toxic for young girls watching this because it’s creating this perception that these treatments have to be done if they are to be considered attractive or be accepted. They aspire to look like these people and it’s just so unhealthy,” he said.
“To ask them in a game is very irresponsible. ITV should put out safety messages about some of the content the contestants talk about.”
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